It's hard to believe January 2012 is already in the history books, but the month of love is well underway! Our household has stayed busy this last month and we'd like to share just a bit of what we've been doing.
We started the new year the same way we've started the last severa: celebrating Christmas with my sister and her family and my mom.
Gramy gave the kids a set of Paper Jamz guitars, drums and amps. We have a complete band! |
Ron is in the middle of his officiating season. When they can, Zeke or Kaydawn rides along and keep him company. If the location is close enough, all the kids and I go so we can spend time with Daddy. Ron had to say goodbye to an old friend earlier in January. The recliner that he had for nearly 20 years, the chair he rocked babies in, and the friend who cuddled him through nights of headaches and other illness bit the dust. He tried to save it by using a ratchet strap to hold the footrest down, but it was to no avail. We replaced the old recliner with a matching set.
Ron trying to salvage his chair. |
Kaydawn's Girl Scout troop at the cookie kick-off in Hays. |
I am still home raising kids. Don't get me wrong, I stay plenty busy! I am the troop leader for Kaydawn's Girl Scout troop, the den leader for Zeke's Cub Scout den, and still take care of Jamison a couple days a week. I take Asher to playgroup, story hour, and open gym each week and we squeeze play dates and lunch dates into the mix frequently. Add in chasing Zeke and Kaydawn in their activities and following Daddy and there's plenty in a day's time.
Zeke participated in Kid's Wrestling this year. His first tournament was on Dec. 31. He placed 4th in the Monarch Novice Tournament. On Jan. 15, he participated in the Ellis Novice Tournament. He improved much in just two weeks and took 2nd!
Zeke took this win with his first pin! |
He also keeps busy playing kickball on Saturday mornings as well as doing Cub Scout activities. He is working towards his Wolf badge this year and several belt loops. He still enjoys playing army men, cowboys and Indians, and building models with his Legos. He is looking forward to the summer so we can go camping and have a break from school. School is not his favorite activity, but he's progressing in reading. He's looking forward to scout day camp and overnight camp and church camp.
Kaydawn is active in dance, Girl Scouts, and Kid's Club at the Methodist Church. Every Tuesday we go to Hays for dance lessons and she's really started concentrating this year. She intently watches Becky (the teacher) and tries hard to make the movements perfect. She's excited about her jazz dance because it's "sassy" so she gets to show attitude. They have started preparing for their recital in May. She's dancing to a Kermit the Frog song, Rockin' Robin and My Boyfriend's Back.

In January she started her first cookie sale with scouts. She set a lofty goal and both Ron and I were prepared to help her re-evaluate it when the selling got tough. But I guess it's true that everyone loves Girl Scout cookies because she's almost sold 400 boxes and her that was her goal. I guess she inherited a little of her mommy's tenacity for selling cookies because she's going to make that goal! On Wednesdays she rides the bus from her school to the Methodist Church where she takes part in a 6-week series on Bible lessons. She comes out the door beaming each week anxious to tell me what story she learned.
Asher keeps all of us laughing with his sweet but mischievous smile and the things he says. Now that Kaydawn is in school all day, he's learning to talk for himself. Earlier this year, if you asked him if he was a big boy, he'd reply, "No, I da baby." Then he decided to say, "No, I Ahh-eeer." He's also at the stage where everything is his or applies to him. His favorite game during the days Jamison is with us is to annoy Jamison by saying whatever Jamison says or does is his or he can do too. Owning everything includes the TV and the choice of movie on the Wii. He does well most of the time sharing, but he proudly announces, "It's o-dor. My turn!" when it's his turn to pick a movie.
Gramy with Kaydawn, Asher, Zerek, Zade & Zeke |
Gramy and her sister Ruth |
Me with Zerek |
In the middle of the month we met Gramy, Aunt Kendra and family, my cousin Sandra, and my Aunt Ruth in Great Bend to celebrate Gramy and Aunt Ruth's birthdays. We're enjoying Baby Zerek, the newest addition to Kendra's family.
Kendra, Mom and I at Mom's birthday lunch |
Finally, both Zeke and Kaydawn have lost their top left front teeth. They make quite a pair!
The toothless pair! |
I hope to post at the end of each month to keep family and friends up to date on our little piece of heaven on earth. Check back in March for the events and milestones we meet in February. There's only 4 days down and I have much to post already!